Confessions of a B2B Marketer 40

The Power Of B2B Podcasting (MarTech Podcast)

Episode #40 mit:
Founder & CEO
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  • “You have to create content to get listeners. But, it's more about how you can bring in marketing and operations in order to run this growth process. Which is more than just producing a 20-minute audio.” - Tom Hunt, Founder & CEO, Fame
  • “Bloggers are getting significant organic traffic for topics. You can pay them $150 to put your B2B show at number one, with a backlink to your podcast domain page.” - Tom Hunt, Founder & CEO, Fame
  • “Apple and Spotify are number one. if you have a podcast, I would suggest sending most of your traffic to Apple and Spotify.” - Tom Hunt, Founder & CEO, Fame
  • “Ranking in a category within Apple is good for your show. You can use that as social proof in the future. And it will bring you more listeners if you get to the top 10 in marketing in the US.” - Tom Hunt, Founder & CEO, Fame
  • “For the first six months, you just want to see steady month-on-month download growth; typically 10%. Then, well be looking for value from the listener's side.” - Tom Hunt, Founder & CEO, Fame
  • “I think that ability to learn from experts in the niche you're trying to grow into is super valuable. So, podcasts should definitely be considered at some stage in the early journey of a B2B company.” - Tom Hunt, Founder & CEO, Fame
Confessions of a B2B Marketer is handcrafted by our friends over at:

Check out our five most downloaded episodes:

  1. How To Start A Movement with David Heinemeier Hansson of 37signals
  2. Chris Walker Rants On Dark Social, Creating Demand & Company Building
  3. CEO Spends 70% Of Time On His Personal Brand? Guillaume Moubeche Shares All
  4. OLD WAY/NEW WAY with Adam Robinson of
  5. Nathan Latka Shares His “King-Maker Strategy”
Hit me up on Twitter or LinkedIn with any questions or feedback, I reply to them all.

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