
Web3 and NFTs with Michelle Reeves of Mavion

Episode #null mit:
Co-Founder & CEO
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Michelle Reeves is the co-founder and CEO of Mavion, a Web 3 platform that creates fashion NFTs. Michelle has a heart for helping women break into the cryptocurrency world. As she says, her DMs are always open to inquiring minds. 

In this week's episode, Michelle shares how 2016 got her started in NFTs. She also shares what she hopes her company, Mavion, can help with, how NFTs can help a business grow, and how to get started in the NFT space. As a mom herself, she gives helpful tips on how to manage it all, as well. 

“Be that trusted, friendly, credible, voice personality product that gets them in, educate them. Give, give, give before you start asking them of anything. And if you create that kind of connection, that's a loyalty that is almost unbreakable. You've educated them. You've brought them into a space safely. You will be with them for a long time.” - Michelle Reeves

If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, join the Entreprenista League today at entreprenista.com/join. We can’t wait to welcome you, support you, and be part of your business journey!

This week’s takeaways from Entreprenista:

How Michelle got started in NFTs (3:41)Michelle talks about The Accessory Junkie (6:27)The problem Mavion solves (8:32)Michelle gives the lowdown on what NFTs and Web 3 actually are (11:56)How social media helped Michelle learn about the digital world (22:07)How NFTs can propel a business forward (25:23)What the business model of Mavion is (32:40)Rapid fire questions round (36:10)Michelle shares what a typical day looks like for her (37:32)Michelle shares the best tip for being a working mom (40:07)How to get started in NFTs (41:35)What being an Entreprenista means to Michelle (44:23)

Resources Mentioned:


Our Favorite Quotes:

“​​It's there forever. I'll say it again. You can't copy it, edit, or delete it. It's there forever.” - Michelle Reeves”Case in point, I can get on LinkedIn right now. And I could change my profile and say that I am the founder of Sephora. No one can stop me. Sephora can't stop me. LinkedIn can't stop me. I can say that.” - Michelle Reeves “I am a notoriously annoyingly curious person, I like to put myself in the middle of conversations where I probably don't belong, and then absorb, learn and try to connect the dots.” - Michelle Reeves

Connect with Michelle Reeves:

Mavion on Instagram Mavion on TwitterMavion WebsiteMichelle on InstagramMichelle on TwitterThe Accessory Junkie on Instagram

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