Healthcare Boss Academy Podcast 274

#274: Why Your Mindset Matters: Learn How to Control Your Thought Patterns!

Episode #274 mit:
Healthcare Boss Academy
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Your thoughts determine your actions.

Your actions determine your habits.

Your habits determine your future.


Jason A. Duprat, MBA, CRNA, Healthcare Practitioner, and Host of the Healthcare Boss Academy podcast, reminds us of the value of our mental well-being, how our mental state shapes us, and how we can shape it. In this episode, Jason shares an effective 3-step strategy on how to reprogram our minds, as well as a throwback to his wrestling days wherein his mental state was the make-or-break factor.



  • Your thoughts eventually become your actions. If you let negative thoughts consume you, they'll eventually become your reality.
  • Drown out negative thoughts by cultivating an attitude of gratitude.
  • Go on the offense. You are in total control of your thoughts and you can get rid of those you don't want and don't need.
  • Our minds are similar to computers. You can have the best computer, but if it gets corrupted by a virus, it's going to slow down. The same thing happens we allow negative thoughts to ruminate in our minds.
  • The same thing happened to Jason's computer and the only thing that fixed it was a complete reset.
  • Negative thinking begets negative thinking.
  • Journaling helps in taking note of accomplishments and positive memories to combat the negative ones.
  • Our existence isn’t a very long one, so let's make the best of it.
  • It's not easy and it takes time, so train your mind every single day.



  1. Recognize negative thoughts
  2. Refute those thoughts.
  3. Replace them with words of affirmation.



“Some of us have had trauma inflicted by others, but none of those people can control your destiny.” – Jason A. Duprat

“You are smart, you are talented, you are in control, and you can be successful. The question is, do you believe it yet?” – Jason A. Duprat



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