
Boost Your Game

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A new blockchain startup, ARES Tech GmbH, was recently founded in Berlin, aiming at producing a decentralized platform for individual social games developers and small and medium-sized social game companies.

Based on the existing mature Blockchain 2.0 technology, ARES Tech provides an all-in-one solution for blockchain developers and users, which is a full range of support from the development environment to user engagement, and monetization.

By building and promoting a community for developers, building a complete blockchain applications environment, Ares helps developers get profits through their games while greatly lower the cost they spend on existing game portals.

With the EU’s strong support for the blockchain project, blockchain infrastructures like Ethereum, IOTA, COSMOS, aeternity, BigchainDB, etc. have all enjoyed great success in Europe, especially in Berlin.

ARES Tech will join the league and work with them to build communities and provide support for game developers around the world, contributing to Europe’s effort to regain the lead of digitalization over the next decade.

Given that Blockchain 3.0 technology is at an early stage, applications ecology is still immature and the commercialization prospect of blockchain technology remains elusive. Developers often find themselves dealing with an entirely strange and fresh technology. The learning and testing can be intense and trying. Marketing and other factors beside the technological part of game development are still demanding and very expensive. Traditional game platforms usually charge fees that independent developers can not easily afford.

Targeting on these pain points, ARES Tech provides an all-in-one solution consisting of three layers:

  1. Development Layer: A mature and friendly development suit, with Token API, SDK and IDE Plugins, to help developers easily get start and focus on designing fair and interesting mechanism.
  2. User Context Layer: A decentralized application with diverse social contexts to engage end users socialize with friends via games.
  3. Business Ecosystem Layer: Import and Create Various Monetization Opportunities from partners, such as Ad platform, live video platform etc, to support developers turn their indie games into profitable intellectual property.

ARES Tech will take full advantage of Berlin and Europe’s active tech startup scene, creating a lively professional developer community, organizing events and helping developers connect with business resources across Europe, Asia and North America.

ARES Tech will also focus on helping social games to expand to the relevant areas in the future, e.g. intelligent hardware, encrypted communications, derivatives trading and other markets.

ARES Tech boasts of a seasoned tech and management core team and advisors, with extensive development or management experience in Fraunhofer, KPMG, Microsoft, Nokia, Bigpoint, Tencent, Daimler, PwC, BCG, etc..

ARES Tech team received its seed round funding on November 2017. The first funds are used to team set up and prototype development.

Prototype and documentation will be available in early March 2018. Alpha versions of the SDK and DApp will be available for developers in Q3 and Q4 of 18 respectively.

In the meantime, ARES Tech is calling for game developers to join this exciting endeavor. More Meetups will be hosted in the near future. Further more details could be found on its official social platforms and website: